Sunday, April 13, 2014

Some Twisted Scandal Thoughts

Hey all I know it's been a while I hope you are doing well and wonderful in your lives.

Let me preface this blog entry by saying I have been writing. Not just a paragraph here and there but pages [insert shocked gasp here]

Lol, one day in the coming months I will write in detail about what's been going on in my multiple hiatus' over the years to shed some light on what's been going on in my life.

Just had something on my mind regarding a couple of shows I watched this year.
I don't typically watch a lot of t.v., because frankly most shows don't interest me but when they do, I invest the time to watch every episode which brings me to this.

ABC Family is one of those networks I generally miss. They don't really cater to my demographic.
Or so I thought ... but then I was right.

Twisted is a show about the friendship between Danny Desai Lacey Porter and Jo Masterson, a friendship that became complicated when Danny is found guilty of murdering his aunt as a child and is sent away to a juvenile detention center while Jo and Lacey also drift apart.

Fast forward a few years later and we catch up with everyone in high school, where Lacey has grown into a gorgeous popular young woman and Jo is a reclusive oddball holding a grudge and a single friend in cute nerd Rico.

But wait, what is this I spy. The #blackgirliswinning???!!!

Color me intrigued.

Even while watching the pilot of this show, I felt a bit silly, I haven't voluntarily watched a show about teens since The Vampire Diaries (which I quit watching at the end of season 3).

I was skeptical, but the shows Heathers ish dark comedy and the likeable leads kept me in tuning in.

I really liked the chemistry between Lacey and Danny, commonly referred to as Dacey by their fans.

Even though I had a nagging feeling the writers didn't really know where they wanted to go with the fallout of Danny's father Vikram (who is apparently a criminal mastermind who may have banged half this small town).
I kept watching because of Danny telling Joe to her face that he wasn't interested in her and she was like a little sister to him, and that he is in love with Lacey.

Again #blackgirliswinning!!!

So the first half of the season ends with Danny being the socio with amazing hair that's in love with the black girl and Jo being cool with that while TOTALLY not being cool with that and some convoluted mystery about his dead/not dead dad is forming along with random teenager deaths and sex tape postings. 

The second half of this season does a - I don't know F5 Hurricane job of dismantling EVERYTHING that made this show cool.

  • Lacey, who from the pilot and their own advertizing as one of the main characters of this series is mitigated to being a fourth wheel that's barely seen in many episodes
  • The character of Vikram, who the writers spent their 1A season connecting to Danny, and most of the characters on the canvas is killed by falling off a cliff. The only witnesses are Danny and Jo
  • Danny former intriguing possible murderer and bad boy turns into an emo who didn't kill his aunt, but was just lying for his dad who killed her - because of reasons. He also becomes an instant millionaire when his father's insurance policy pays out ten million dollars to him. 
  • The pointless character of Whitney is introduced and immediately gets more back story and screen time than Lacey, complete with a (sorta) fleshed out parent. Where is Robin Givens and Lacey's Dad, and little sister?
  • The writers using Vikram's death to shove Danny and Jo together (who have no sexual chemistry), and have him lie to Lacey and push her away. But despite this Lacey is the only one in town that believes in him when he's on the run from police, while Jo is as accusatory as everyone else. 
  • The fairly pointless character of Charlie showing up as the real 'socio'. There's no nuance to him as he forcibly ingratiates himself into everyone's lives with seemingly no agenda.
  • The #PoorJo and #JoIsTheOne Twitter hashtags 
I could go on, but I stopped watching the series before the finale, which apparently only got 775,000 viewers or so, so it probably won't be renewed. Needless to say they probably would have gotten more viewers and a second season if they have just #lettheblackgirlwin!

I'm not into shipping wars and all this kind of stuff, and I wouldn't have minded if this was a legit love triangle that was established from the start of the show. Lacey, I feel even from the pilot never got the same treatment as Jo or Danny but at least we got to know who she was. The second half of the season isolated her to the point where she's having lesbian kisses with Whitney. If she's a lesbian character fine. But that's not who she is, and it's obvious the writers wanted the audience to be as ambivalent about her as they are in order to push Jo/Danny.

This really makes me worry about Abby on Sleepy Hollow.


I didn't expect to write so long about Twisted but I will keep my thoughts on Scandal brief.
I feel like Scandal started off strong but this season seems off. I will chalk it up to Kerry Washington's real life pregnancy and hope a better season 4.

My first big red flag this season was the reveal that Mellie was raped by Fitz' dead father and the probable likelihood that his son is in fact his brother.
I know a lot of people didn't like this scene because a female character is raped. I get that, but it is something that happens so I don't think it should be a taboo thing to write about. However, this upset me because there was no build to it, or most importantly Fitz' father is dead, so there will be no comeuppance for him because of it. The paternity is the only dramatic fallout.
There was no lead up to this happening, there was no indication that Mellie hated or feared Fitz' father when they shared scenes.

The B613 story seems a bit out of Shonda's league. I find that it was more interesting when it was a more shadowy background operation. I mean Huck being able to shut down this whole organization by hacking into it (no backup files or superduper hackers for a secret government agency with bottomless pockets?). Also if Fitz can't give the command of B613 orders how was he able to fire Olivia's father and give Jake (the only improved character this season) his job?

The Huck/Quinn 'romance'. Am I the only one that is grossed out by this? Did he spit on her in the middle of making out on that car? Ya'll.

Harrison/Adnan - Harrison has always gotten the short end of the stick on this show when it comes to storylines. It would have been better if they'd stuck to him pining for Olivia.

Olivia Pope herself has been an ABSOLUTE mess this season. Olitz has gone off the rails to the point where it's like, how can they end up together? Why am I rooting for these two? When Fitz sent out Olivia to break up Mellie and the VP - and she did it!! I was just done....

It just seems like in a town where all these people are supposed to know how the game is played, everyone is acting like they have the rules missin':

James thinking he could anonymously reveal that the sitting vice president is a murderer.

Olivia asking Fitz to throw a debate against Sally Langston who she KNOWS is a despicable woman because they had a conversation on a couch and she felt sorry for her. Maybe they should have written in Kerry's pregnancy, so they could have blamed all this on hormones.

I'm glad Mellie found love but I wish it was someone tied more to the canvas like Jake, rather than this VP guy no one cares about. 

I'll probably review the finale and give my thoughts on Olivia's mother.

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